Le Reve ASP & Le Reve SW NSP

A 100ha development in Beaumont, featuring 30ha of commercial development aimed at both the traveling public through direct access to 50th Street, as well as the surrounding residential neighbourhood through a high level of pedestrian connectivity. Blending various levels of commercial and business densities and their integration into residential development required careful site planning and implementation policies to ensure an easily accessible neighbourhood for all types of users.


  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Concept Development
  • ASP Policy Writing
  • Marketing
  • Conceptual Engineering


The neighbourhood consists of four quarter sections in northeast Beaumont, with the vision to seamlessly connect the City of Beaumont and the City of Edmonton through residential and commercial development. The neighbourhood’s main entrance begins with a grand boulevard that leads to a large district park. Natural areas are integrated into the plan and connected by an open space network that provides opportunities for recreation while preserving the natural environment.